Tom Brady He is the GOAT at the top of this best ranking the New England Patriots Players list

Rob Gronkowski Gronk is a matchup nightmare who is the 2nd Ranking the New England Patriots Players list and he is unstoppable offense.

John Hannah Left guard John Hannah is a Patriots player who cannot win any Super Bowls, but he was quite simply one of the best of his era.

Richard Seymour DE Richard Seymour was a great Patriots player, who won more than three Super Bowls.

Ty Law was a playmaker who could take the ball away, shut down the best guy, and come up and hit, too actually he was an all-rounder.

Devin McCourty Devin McCourty was a USA football safety who played in the National Football League for 13 seasons.

Wesley Carter Welker is a coach for the Miami Dolphins of the National Football who played football long time.